Saturday 30 April 2011

Separation Anxiety in Adults

You'll be surprised that the concept of separation anxiety disorder in adults (Assad) is not just a few years to learn! In fact, the concept of Dr. Vijaya Manicavasagar team, a member of the Unit for Research and Teaching of Psychiatry, Liverpool Hospital, New South Wales, Australia, introduced in the late 90's. The study found that anxiety disorders Assad is actually more common in children is separation. On one side, where about 4% of children suffer from this disorder, there are nearly 7% of adults suffer from emotional problems with separation anxiety! Studies also show that the disorder more common among women than men. It is a condition in which adults experience anxiety and fear extremes when people or characters that are completely separated in the same neighborhood. It is important to understand that Asad different from the normal separation anxiety that we all tend to suffer from a certain point in our lives.
Signs and symptoms of separation anxiety in adults
Adults, symptoms of separation anxiety when people they love most separated. As in the case of young children with symptoms of emotional distress with separation anxiety when their parents or persons to whom they are accustomed. They tend to cry or weep when they see familiar faces around them. Similarly, adults also feel left out and fear the loss of their loved ones when they are separated from them. An example of a mother, it would always be these symptoms when she separated from her child or spouse. See the emotional symptoms of separation anxiety disorder in adults gain a better understanding. extreme distress and emotional distress, while the gap and separated persons or places that bind. Recurrent thoughts of losing the person, or be forever separated due to some unfortunate circumstances. constant fear that you are the person for good or something bad happen or lost, the person has passed. Can add to their work or responsibilities by the constant fear and anxiety to concentrate.As repeated nightmares, separating it from the person or place forever. Can not go without, or with a person without ensuring that the person is safe for you to sleep. The fear was the person or the person alone for a long time and begins to worry when you are away for an extended period. Physical symptoms such as headaches, heart palpitations, nausea, vomiting and stomach cramps may also occur. 

The causes of separation anxiety in adults
Experts estimate that most adults suffer from depression, as discussed in the childhood.The condition is considered family-related and environmental requirements. Speaking of family history, experts say that most children with this disorder at least one parent who suffers from separation anxiety in adults or have suffered from separation anxiety disorder in childhood suffer or adolescence. Therefore, this disease seems to run in some families, early childhood, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and finally!Environmental conditions can also trigger the development of an emotional disorder Separation anxiety in adults, especially those that have been added by a person in childhood, shared the pain or have suffered the death of a loved one!
How to get more separation anxiety for adults Get
If sufficient attention is not given then the problem may affect adults' lives and those around them. Studies show that people who suffer from this disorder or not marry at the end of everything, die hard or the marriage ends in divorce. His social life is unhealthy and usually these people end up being involved in alcohol and drugs. In fact, there may be cases where the symptoms of sleep so the person refuses to eat, or even losing the person he or she is connected. What can be done to overcome this problem? Take a look! You should see a specialist in health care as soon as possible to contact without delay.That's because most of the symptoms diagnosed ASAD, can lead to other mental disorders and Several treatments are used for anxiety disorders such as meditation, yoga, cognitive-behavioral therapy and stress management techniques are used. Your doctor may also prescribe antidepressants and other medicines to manage your anxiety level. So it was a brief description of the anxiety of separation from adults, its causes, symptoms and ways to overcome them. If you identify with the above situation, so go ahead and ask you to trust your doctor as soon as possible so that you live a miserable life in constant fear and anxiety stop. Have a healthier and happier future. Be careful.

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