Saturday 30 April 2011

Tension Headache Symptoms

Tension headaches are something that we all feel at some point in our lives, whether common or not. Consciously or not, these headaches tend to come and go as they please, but they are definitely caused by something either internally or externally.headache Stress Also known, it can be less than 15 days in a row occur in a month and are known as episodic headache. If I had to do it often, where there is more than 15 days in a month, then it is considered a chronic headache. Symptoms of tension headaches, which can be problematic and can be handled too much, or may be mild enough to appear to be served. These headaches can be adjusted at any time of day, usually occur during the lunch hour. The headaches did not hit both with intolerable symptoms, but gradually increase in intensity over time.
The pain occurs when the creep of the tension headache, sit around the front and top of the head and sometimes both sides as well. Although the causes of headaches vary, it is a good understanding of why such terrible pain, headaches instead. Treatment for headaches that helps a lot, the impact of headache relief available. This can happen at any time in life, whether young or old. Migraines can also cause tension headaches, although the daily intake of drugs can cause this kind of pain or remove any.
to help the symptoms of tension headache patients, see if you get a headache with episodic or chronic, when it needs to be studied and evaluated by medical staff are.Ignoring persistent headaches going about their daily activities, must be treated with a doctor. The causes are tension headaches can begin. 

Fear Poor posture Clenched jaw often Mental stress Depression Teeth grinding Emotional stress Alcohol Ignore hunger Fatigue Flu / Cold Nasal congestion sinus infection Strain Caffeine withdrawal / consumption Chain smoking Eyestrain (computer screens / TV) 

The symptoms of tension headache
The symptoms of tension headache should not be taken lightly and must be medically overlooked something fear will be treated in more depth. The signals that you notice when it comes to these headaches will. Stiff neck Dull, feeling bad in my head Often, a headache after head injury The muscles around the neck, scalp and shoulder tender Cough headaches Anorexia Fever tightness in the back or sides of the head Weakness Pressure around the head Seizures Shoulder begins to ache Double Vision It is not easy to sleep It is not easy to talk The entire area of ​​the head throbbing pain The treatment of tension headache
There are several treatment options that can be used, those who suffer from frequent seizures when it comes to tension headache for help. These are your options.
Drugs There are medications to relieve pain and naproxen, aspirin, NSAIDs, ibuprofen or paracetamol. Patients should be informed during this period through the process of taking painkillers. The setting of analgesics for the first time before doctors recommended for patients with options on how to help take care of themselves and avoid these headaches.
Therapy and antidepressants Training is given to help patients learn to relax and the stress it causes, get rid of meetings to solve their daily routines. Cognitive-behavioral stress management is a big help when it comes to questions of patients and psychological problems. Amitriptyline and tricyclic antidepressants are also prescribed for patients as a form of drug therapy.
Tension headaches can be treated much earlier in life to know how the crisis with a calm, avoid burning without stress. Eating well helps a healthy lifestyle and also to prevent such attacks in the future. Do you have a healthy future.

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